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Currently Viewing Category: Health & Fitness

Addiction and Relapse: 10 Tips for Preventing Relapse

Addiction recovery is a challenging but rewarding process. The potential to relapse from substance, alcohol, or drug abuse is one of the most challenging obstacles…

What Is a Hoarding Disorder?: The Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Mental illnesses are more common than you think. In the United States, it affects one in every six adults. Some of the most common illnesses…

What Is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)?: The Essential Facts All Parents Should Know

Are you having a baby coming soon? Or maybe you just recently had a newborn? A new baby is stressful enough, especially for first-time parents.…

An Uncomplicated Guide to Skincare on a Budget

It feels like every time you look in the mirror you have a new breakout patch. You want to clear things up and feel good…

5 Reasons Why You Might Need Vaginal Rejuvenation

For many women, the thought of having reconstructive or rejuvenation surgery for their vaginas can be a scary, daunting thought. It’s a very personal, intimate…

Why Healthy Eating is Essential For The Whole Family Including Your Pets

There are messages every day about healthy eating and exercise. However, it can be tricky to select the best ingredients for your diet with the…

CBD and Fertility – A Detailed Guide for Everyone

Since the discovery that CBD has numerous health benefits, people from all over the world have been using it heavily. Apart from dealing with conditions…

What Can You Do to Lessen Stress?

Stress gets to most people at some point in their day, week, month or whenever. That said are you taking the necessary steps to lower…

Telemedicine app development: about the benefits, costs and challenges

In the era where more and more daily activities are benefitting from digitalization, services such as telemedicine have made healthcare a much more simple and…

Ways to Encourage More Positive Thinking 

A negative mood can take a toll on your health and emotional wellness over time. It may seem like nothing in your life is going…